Monday, May 26, 2008

Back garden

Kohlrabi and tomatoes in the back

Strawberry's in the back.
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Last day of planting on memorial day week end.

Last day of planting on memorial day week end.

All of the peppers planted with the soker hose in palace

Squash and Mellon's

Cabbage, onions, and herbs
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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Second day of planting on memorial day week end.

Right side of the garden

First Pea coming up.
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Container planting

Tomatoes and peppers in containers

Tomatoes in water crystals

Herbs in a container
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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Day one of the memorial weekend planting #2

Pic from the side showing cauliflower cucumbers and all of the tomatoes.

Tomatoes in the front bed
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Day one of the memorial weekend planting

Day one of the memorial weekend planting

Onions and tomatoes

more tomatoes
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Garden toad returns

The toad from last year has returned and looks like he is twice the size of last year.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Rhubarb and garlic

Rhubarb is doing nicely

Garlic is starting to get tall now that the bush is gone.

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Makeshift cold frame

Here is our makeshift cold frame. It is just clear panels set on top of terracotta chimney flue. Its crude and not too pretty but it gets the job done.

Hardening off the plants from the greenhouse

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Planting in the garden

Planting in the garden

Peas and beans

Radishes at one week! there already coming up

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Plants from the neighbor

The neighbor works at a nursery and brought home a truck load of plants they were going to through out. Here is a picture of some of the Kohlrabi and cauliflower we got.
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camomile comming back rom last year
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Saturday, May 10, 2008