Saturday, June 30, 2007

Planted Beets

Got some beet seeds so we put them in.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Here is the first picking of raspberries from the back yard.
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First pickings

Here is the first picking from the garden. Sweet peas and zucchini
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Sunday, June 24, 2007


First zucchini should be ready in a few days

Yellow straight neck squash flowering.
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Saturday, June 23, 2007

Peas not happy

Peas not happy after their mystery mauling. The bottoms are turning yellow.
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Friday, June 22, 2007

Container update 6-22-2007

Basil coming up (from

Morning glory form

Peppers coming along. They will need to be transplanted soon. Still no banana peppers the seeds must not be any good.
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Cucumbers growing up the trellis.
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Thursday, June 21, 2007

New herb container

New container for herbs. Basel dill and mint (there are a couple of okra in of good measure). This container is filled with a mix of sphagnum peat moss with a little garden soil and some water crystals.
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First tomatoes

First Bonni Rutgers heirloom tomatoes getting close to becoming fried green tomatoes!
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Side garden 6-21-2007

Tomatoes and watermelon on the side garden seem to have stalled. Grape plant staring to show some growth.
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6-21-2007 Update

Tomatoes almost to the top of there cages

Roma's still alive! Tomatillos starting to get bigger "at least the ones on the right ;-)"

New trellis for the peas and beans since someone/thing riped them off the old one (I wonder who)

Zucchini staring to flower.
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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Tomato leaves

These are the leaves of of two of the red lightning tomatoes from Burpees. Something just doesn't look quite right.
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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Rooting cuttings

After the Roma tomatoes died I did not know what to put in there place since it seemed that all of the Roma's were sold out and there was some mysterious plant killing force that effected all of the plants at the stores as well. I came across an article that said that you can grow additional plants form cuttings so I am giving it a try.
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Tomato collars

Put collars around two of the tomato plants. I was going to put them on all of the large plants but the cages had to be removed to put them in and the plants got too beat up in the process. Put them on the right two and the rest were used on the new Roma plants.
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Romas one more chance

Well we are giving Roma tomatoes one more chance. Put in three form K-mart in the back two and front left . Also put in red tomato collars we will see if they actually do anything.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Tomatoes grew about two inches in two days

Squash bigger in two days

Planted a purple pepper

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Garden growth update

Squash cucumbers and melons coming along nicely.

Tomatoes and mystery plants coming along nicely.

All but two of the Roma's died after transplanting.

Peas and beans doing fine

Peas starting to form.

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