Sunday, October 28, 2007

Green tomatoes

The frost is suppose to come tonight so all of the green tomatoes Had to come off. The tomatoes are finaly done;-) !

Note to self- grow less tomatoes next year.
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Saturday, October 27, 2007


Purple peppers taking off ... finally

Yellow peppers taking off ... finally

Probably the last good pepper harvest of the year.

Note to self - start peppers earlier next year.

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Hot Peppers !

Jalapeno peppers turning red

cayenne and banana peppers finally taking off

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hot pepper hound

While we were making salsa the dog kept wining so I thought I would be fun to see how the dog reacted to a hot pepper. Well she actually liked it and ended up eating about half a dozen before day was through. This last one she almost took off my fingers!

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Salsa verde

More striped Tomatoes

Even more tomatoes (mostly romas as they got a later stare than the others)
These well be used to make even more salsa with a small amount of tomatillos mixed in.

tomatillos with the husks removed

making salsa verde. We used about half of the tomatillos and peppers to make the salsa verde. We then ended up throwing it away. It was extremely disgusting (tasted and looked like snot).
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The Peppers are about the only thing that is still going strong in the garden

Finally the cayenne peppers are ripe

green and red jalapenos and a purple pepper

Lone cayenne pepper

Ready for drying
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