Sunday, March 30, 2008

Seedling update 3-30-2008

Seedling update 3-30-2008

Cabbage, pumpkin, broccoli.

Roma and Rutgers tomatoes
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I am not sure if it is because it is close to my birthday, the wrath of the evil bushes or just the sledge hammer pissed off at my leg but this is the fist (and hopefully last) garden injuries of the year.

Lesson #1 do not use a sledge hammer with dirty gloves

Lesson # 2 leave no skin exposed when dispatching evil poisonous bushes.
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After modifications. This adds almost 59 square feet to last years garden for a grand total of 215 square feet (that's a lot of weeding!). New retaining walls were put up behind the beds. New landscape ties replace the flimsy plastic boarder. The poisonous bushes were removed (with the help of the Ford truck) ;-)!

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Saturday, March 29, 2008


After hours of digging scraping and shoveling we were able to limp Kevin's trailer to the house. It was over loaded with about 3 yards of compost complements of Whitehall township. Now all we have to do is shovel it off and till it in.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sprouting seeds

4 days in and there are sprouting seeds already!

Cabbage Seeds


Roma tomatoes
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Saturday, March 22, 2008


This is the garden before an modifications for this year

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Green house

The green house has gotten an update this year. Two more grow lights have been added and soon to have a third for a total of five.

Top shelf

2nd Shelf

3d shelf

bottom shelf

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2008 start of the garden

I is time again to start seeds inside. We are staring more seeds this year with the plan of increasing the size of the garden. That is the plan but we will see.

seeds for planing inside

New seed starter

More started seeds

Basset hard at work
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