Sunday, June 29, 2008

New toy

Not really part of the garden but I got a new toy today. Now to remove vista.
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Peas and tomatoes

We have a few peas that are just about to be picked.

Tomatoes are starting to form!
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The rhubarb is filling out nicely.
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Purple basil

Lemon basil (note to self... do not let Christa take picturs)

Italian basil (Note to self... see above.)

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We are acutely getting some cauliflower heads to form on most of the plants.

The is the only broccliflower that has any kind of flower. All the rest are just leaves. I guess we planted them too late.
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6-29-2008 update

Tomatoes are getting bigger and and are ether at top of the cages or reel close.
Peppers are doing much better this year and are at least twice the size as this time last year.
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Grape at the top of the trellis
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6-29-2008 shots from the deck

Tomatoes and peppers from the deck

Side garden form the deck

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We made a cherry pie today and even thou the cherries are not from our garden we did pick them ourselves from a friends tree. It did not turn out too bad but I wish I would not have wasted money on a cherry pitter. We ended up using paper clips because the cherry pitter was too slow.
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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Far side of the house clean up

Far side of the house cleaned up

Sun flowers and chamomile on the far side of the house.
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Worm composter

Here is the worm composter in its new home under the deck. I had to move it here because it was baking the worms up on the deck. Now that it is here the worms are starting to do there job. Hopefully I did not kill too many of them off before it was moved. We will just have to what and see.

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Irrigation computer

Here is the irrigation computer I installed this year. It was just wrong to not have some electronic gadget in the garden. This should give much more consistent watering at better times than has been don in the past. Hopefully it will also help cut down on the verticulum wilt although there are already signs of it showing. I am still working out the times and durations right now I have it watering the containers for 5 min and the soaker hoses for 10 min at 5:00 AM and again at noon.

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The side garden is getting overrun with weeds. Where is Christa?

OH there she is ;-)

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Drip irrigation

I finely got around to finishing all of the drip irrigation

even the pot on the deck gets watered

Peppers and tomatoes in pots with drip line

Herb pot with drip line
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Radish harvest

First radish harvest.

White icicle radish. These look neat but they really have a bite to them
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Saturday, June 14, 2008

6-14-2008 update

Tomatoes and peppers are getting bigger

Beans and peas getting bigger

Radishes getting too big! I think maybe there is too much nitrogen in the soil. We are getting all plant and no root.

Tomatoes and beets getting bigger.
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