Thursday, June 24, 2010

First picking peas and beans 2010

Here is the first picking of the peas and beans. Not a whole lot but not to bad.
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Grarage Bed

Here is the long bed behind the garage. The Peas and beans are doing very well and ready to start being picked. The cucumbers are also coming along nicely there are a few tiny cucumbers starting to grow.
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June 24 2010 update

The tomatoes and peppers that did not die are doing good

Potatoes are still doing good and the reseeded beats are coming up.

Most of the Roma tomatoes died but we have a couple of cherry tomatoes that are ripe

Here is the three sisters plated in the back bed.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 12 2010 update

It has been a while since anything has been posted. We have been busy.

Here is the bed against the garage with the new ladder trellises for the cucumbers.
The peas and beans are starting to take off

Here is the pepper and tomato bed planted with black plastic.

The potatoes are doing well but the beats needed to be replanted.

Here is the high tech slug killing trap filled with beer. We lost all of our jalapenos to the slugs in the cold frame. It only took 10 minutes to catch this one. We will be better prepared next year.
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