Saturday, April 3, 2010

Treating of the wood

Here is the wood that will be used to build the new raised beds
We went with regular un-treated pine and used the USDA Forest Products Laboratory recipe for non-toxic wood preservative.
Hopefully it will work

Here's the recipe (and please be sure to follow it carefully):
Melt 1 ounce of paraffin wax in a double boiler (DO NOT heat over a direct flame).
Off to the side, carefully place slightly less than a gallon of solvent (mineral spirits, paint thinner or turpentine at room temperature) in a bucket, then slowly pour in the melted paraffin, stirring vigorously.
Add 3 cups exterior varnish or 1.5 cups boiled linseed oil to the mix, stirring until the ingredients are blended. When it cools, you can dip your lumber into this mixture or brush it onto the wood.
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