Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Canning round Three

Washing tomatos

Processing tomatoes

Pressure canner out to can tomato soup
Cooking down sauce

Canning results

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 26 garden update

The early blight has been extra brutal this year. The plants are defiantly not producing like they should.  We will have to implement some corrective action next year as it seems to be getting perpetually worse.

The cucumber plans are also showing some kind of disease.

The Beets are coming along nicely now that they are under netting and the deer can not get at them. 

The tomatoes in this bed have the same blight.  The peppers on the other hand are phenomenal.

Purple cauliflower

Blue hubbard still hanging in there.  All of the squash was attacked by vine bores.  We lost over half of the plants. The only thing that saved any of the plants was cutting out the borer and kill them.

Nice looking cabbage

Banana peppers

Some of the peppers are turning red.
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Tomatoes have started to ripen now.
69 Lb total to be turned into sauce.

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Corn Relish

Corn from Zerns Farm market

Corn Relish

From Ball Blue Book
8 cups cut corn
1 cup chopped onions
1 cup chopped sweet green peppers
1 cup chopped red sweet peppers
4 cups chopped cabbage
2 Tblsp dry mustard
2 Tblsp mustard seed
1 Tblsp celery seed
1 Tblsp salt
4 cups vinegar
1 to 2 cups sugar
1 Tblsp turmeric

Boil corn 5 minutes. Cut from cob. Measure. Peel onions, deseed peppers. Chop and measure cabbage, onions and peppers. Mix all ingredients with 1 cup water. Simmer 20 minutes. Bring to boiling. Pack boiling hot relish into hot Ball Jars.
Process 15 minutes.

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Salsa fest 2012

This begins the salsa canning for 2012. The tomatoes are slow to ripen this year so we supplemented them with some from Zerns farmers market

Zerns Corn

Zerns tomatoes

Lime juice

12 Pints
5 Quarts
(27 pints in round 1)
Mild Corn Salsa

Ph =4.0

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Canning Round Two

Cucumbers are extremely prolific this year so we made more pickles and dilly beans.

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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Canned goods

This is the canned goods still left from previous years canning.  I think I need to make some more shelves.
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