Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Beets 2015

Something (probably voles) has eaten most of our beets from underneath.  What was still left we pulled and pickled.  Defiantly a sad hall but better than nothing.  It is now vole season!  

Sweet Red Beets
6 pints

35 -40 small beets (12 cups cut)
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
2 cups white vinegar

In a large pot cook the unpeeled beets until fork-tender (do not overcook) cool and then remove the skins.
Slice into about 1/4-inch thick or cut into cubes.
Pack into the canning jars 
In a large saucepan combine the sugar, water, vinegar bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes
pour over the beets in the jars, leaving 3/4-inch headspace.

Process for 30 min

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