Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Canned Venison

Remove all fat from meat

Cut into 1 in cubes 

Soak in a salt brine (1 TBS per quart) for one hour.

Drain and Pack cubes tightly into clean jars.

Add 1/2 bullion cube per pint; 1 bullion cube per quart.

Add 4 slices of onion per pint 8 per quart.

Do not add any water in jars.

Clean jar edge, add ring and top, and turn to fit snugly- not tight.

Add jars to canner 

Process at 10 pounds pressure: 75 minutes for pints; 90 minutes for quarts.

Remove canner from heat and let jars cool slowly out of draft with weight left on canner.

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