Saturday, August 17, 2024

Pennsylvania Dutch Chow Chow

Chow Chow  

Pennsylvania Dutch 

3 cups chopped cauliflower

1 cup celery 

1 cup onion 

1 chopped green pepper

1 chopped red pepper

2 cups corn 

2 cups sliced carrots

2 cups yellow and green string beans – cut into 2 inch pieces

2 cup of red kidney beans

2 cups lima beans

1 tablespoon dry mustard

1 tablespoon celery seed

3 cups granulated sugar

1 1/2 quart of white vinegar

1 cup apple cider vinegar


Chop vegetables in varying sizes and cook until just tender (do not overcook). Cook vegetables in separate pots then mix them all together.

Combine sugar (you can adjust this to make it less sweet), vinegar and dry mustard in a large pot and bring to a boil.

Pack sterilized canning jars with mixed vegetables and pour the vinegar solution to 1/2″ from the top of jar; seal and process in a hot water bath (water should cover jars by 1″-2″). Process 15 minutes in the boiling water bath. 

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