Saturday, November 1, 2014

Fermented Hot Sauce

The last of the peppers have been picked and are fermenting.

Pickled Peppers
3 lbs. red peppers–any variety from sweet to scorching
4 to 6 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
2 quarts water
2 Tbls salt
1/4 cup fresh whey

Mix the salt into the water dissolving completely to make the brine.
Wash and cut the peppers removing, stem, seeds and white pith.
Place the peppers in a half gallon mason jar.
Pour enough brine over to cover.
Install fermentation lock and cap.
Place it on a plate or in a bowl to protect your counter from spillage.
Keep it at room temperature for 3-6 weeks 
Taste after 3 weeks.

Remove peppers saving the brine and puree them in a blender or food processor.
Strain the puree through a fine mesh colander, sieve of or food mill.
Freeze or refrigerate the pepper solids. Use for flavoring agent for beans, soups, stir fries  where you want a bit of heat and sour.
Strain the brine through a coffee filter and boil for 1 minute .
Allow it to cool and store in the fridge. 

Hot Sauce
1 cup strained, fermented pepper liquid
½ cup vinegar
½ teaspoon canning salt
1 teaspoon sugar (optional)
Xanthan Gum to thicken 

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