Monday, December 27, 2021

2022 Plan

 First draft of 2022 plan 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Italian style tomato sauce


Had some friends over to teach them to can.  

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Ground Venison

Ground venison

Brown ground meat.

drain and rinse.

pack meat in jars 

add 1 bullion cube per pint jar

add hot waster to 1 in head space 

Add lids and rings 

Process at 10 pounds pressure: 75 minutes for pints

Canned Venison

Remove all fat from meat

Cut into 1 in cubes 

Soak in a salt brine (1 TBS per quart) for one hour.

Drain and Pack cubes tightly into clean jars.

Add 1/2 bullion cube per pint; 1 bullion cube per quart.

Add 4 slices of onion per pint 8 per quart.

Do not add any water in jars.

Clean jar edge, add ring and top, and turn to fit snugly- not tight.

Add jars to canner 

Process at 10 pounds pressure: 75 minutes for pints; 90 minutes for quarts.

Remove canner from heat and let jars cool slowly out of draft with weight left on canner.


I finely got a deer. 15lbs was ground up for burger and 12 lbs were froze in vacuum bags. The backstraps were cut up and vacuum packed  The remaining 3lbs of ground and most of the other meat was canned.

Turkey stock

Turkey stock 

Put carcass in the pressure canner for 3 hrs @ 15 lb to extract everything.  Strain bring to a boil put in jars and process in canner for 20 min pints 25 min quotes @10 psi.

Saturday, October 9, 2021



Procedure: Trim off beet tops, leaving an inch of stem and roots to reduce bleeding of color. Scrub well. Cover with boiling water. Boil until skins slip off easily; about 15 to 25 minutes depending on size. ( I used the pressure canner for 10 min at 15lbs... it was a little long and bleached the beets)  Cool just enough to handle without burning yourself, then remove skins, and trim off stems and roots. The beets should remain warm or hot going into the jars. Leave baby beets whole. Cut medium or large beets into 1/2-inch cubes or slices. Halve or quarter very large slices. Add 1 teaspoon of salt per quart to the jar, if desired. Fill jars with hot beets and fresh hot water that has been brought to a boil first (not the water you used to boil the beets with), leaving 1-inch headspace.

Pints 30 min Quarts 35   10 lb  0-1000 ft

Sunday, September 12, 2021


 Corn - Whole Kernel

Quantity: An average of 31½ pounds (in husk) of sweet corn is needed per canner load of 7 quarts; an average of 20 pounds is needed per canner load of 9 pints. A bushel weighs 35 pounds and yields 6 to 11 quarts – an average of 4½ pounds per quart.

Procedure: Husk corn, remove silk, and wash. Blanch 3 minutes in boiling water. Cut corn from cob at about three-fourths the depth of kernel. Caution: Do not scrape cob.

Hot pack – To each clean quart of kernels in a saucepan, add 1 cup of hot water, heat to boiling and simmer 5 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of salt per quart to the jar, if desired. Fill jars with corn and cooking liquid, leaving 1-inch headspace.

Raw pack – Fill jars with raw kernels, leaving 1-inch headspace. Do not shake or press down. Add 1 teaspoon of salt per quart to the jar, if desired.

Add fresh boiling water, leaving 1-inch headspace.

Adjust lids and process following the recommendations in Table 1 or Table 2 according the the method of canning used.

process time for Whole Kernel Corn in a dial-gauge pressure canner.

Process Time 0 - 2,000 ft 11 lb

Hot and Raw

Pints 55 min

Quarts 85

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Grilled Corn and Tomato Salsa




Whole or Halved Tomatoes (packed in water)

Procedure for hot or raw tomatoes filled with water in jars: Wash tomatoes. Dip in boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds or until skins split; then dip in cold water. Slip off skins and remove cores. Leave whole or halve. Add bottled lemon juice or citric acid to jars (See acidification directions). Add 1 teaspoon of salt per quart to the jars, if desired.

Raw pack -- Heat water, for packing tomatoes, to boiling. Fill hot jars with prepared raw tomatoes, leaving ½-inch headspace. Cover tomatoes in the jars with boiling water, leaving ½-inch headspace.

Hot pack -- Put prepared tomatoes in a large saucepan and add enough water to completely cover them. Boil tomatoes gently for 5 minutes. Fill hot jars with hot tomatoes leaving ½-inch headspace. Add cooking liquid to the jars to cover the tomatoes, leaving ½-inch headspace.

Adjust lids and process according to the recommendations in Table 1, Table 2, or Table 3, depending on the method of canning used. (Acidification is still required for the pressure canning options; follow all steps in the Procedures above for any of the processing options.)

 Recommended process time for water-packed Whole or Halved Tomatoes in a boiling-water canner.


Hot & Raw  

Pints 40 min  

Quarts 45 min  

Sunday, August 22, 2021


Canned Ketchup (tastes like Heinz ketchup)

35 lbs tomatoes 
6 cups white distilled vinegar
4 cups sugar
5 Tbsp salt (omitted this year to reduce sodium)
1 Tbsp citric acid 
1 Tbsp onion powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp all-spice
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/3 cup Clearjel

Chop tomatoes and heat in a stock post to soften then run through mill discard skins and seeds. 
Cook down tomatoes until thick like paste in trays in oven
Put thickened tomato paste in a stock pot add other ingredients and bring to a boil  
process for 10 minutes 

modified form

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Bread and-Butter Pickles - low temp pasteurization

Bread and-Butter Pickles

low temp pasteurization

pickle with a crisp texture and a balance of sweet and sour    Toss sliced vegetables in salt to draw out excess water. add a small amount of  Pickle Crisp, to help  keep the natural pectin from breaking down, and use low-temperature pasteurization and pectin remains largely intact.

2 lbs Cucumbers

1 Onion 

1 Red pepper 

2 Tablespoons salt 

3 cups vinegar

2 cups sugar

1 cup water

1 teaspoon mustered seed

3/4 teaspoon turmeric

1/2 teaspoon celery seeds

1/4 teaspoon ground clove 

1/8 teaspoon pickle crisp (I forgot to add this )

makes 4 pints 

"low-temperature pasteurization treatment, place jars in a canner filled halfway with warm (120 degrees F to 140 degrees F) water. Add hot water to a level 1 inch above jars. Heat the water and maintain a 180 degrees F water temperature for 30 minutes. Use a candy or jelly thermometer to be certain that the water temperature is at least 180 degrees F during the entire 30 minutes. Temperatures higher than 185 degrees F may cause unnecessary softening of pickles. This treatment results in a better product texture but must be carefully managed to avoid possible spoilage. Caution: Use only when recipe indicates.

After processing is completed, remove jars from canner with a jar lifter and place on a towel or rack. Do not retighten screw bands. Cool jars 12 to 24 hours and remove screw bands. Check lid seals. If the center of the lid is indented, the jar is sealed. Wash, dry, label, and store sealed jars in a clean, cool, dark place. If the lid is unsealed, examine and replace jar if defective, use new lid, and process as before. Wash screw bands and store separately. Pickles are best if used within a year and safe as long as lids remain vacuum sealed."

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Pickled Beets

Pickled Beets

3 ½ lbs dark red beets 
2 cups water 2 cups white vinegar 
2 cups sugar 
1 tsp salt 
water bath 30 min pints, 35 min quarts

I cooked the beets in the pressure canner this year (outside on the grill burner) They got a little over done but I got interrupted and they sat in the pot longer than they should have. It did work well for cooking the large beets.